DCER stands for distraction, compression, extension, and reduction. This is a surgical technique to reduce, realign and correct (even very severe) basilar invagination (BI), atlantoaxial dislocation (AAD) with a posterior only, single staged approach. This involves motion in 2-axis using the lever principle. This is a technique which was pioneered by the senior author (PSC) [
The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) is composed of osseous complex allows significant mobility while maintaining biomechanical stability [
5]. Developmental CVJ anomaly usually consists of AAD and BI associated with the occipital fusion of C1 arch. It is a complex pathology if untreated leads to disabling neurological deficits.
BI and AAD (occurring in the setting of BI) usually do not reduce on skeletal traction. The current philosophy is to reduce the deformity, realign, and relieve the spinal cord decompression intraoperatively from a single posterior approach only [
It is important to understand that CVJ anomalies occur in roughly in 2 situations.
(1) The C1 arch is not fused with the occiput: Such situation usually produces AAD, which may be reducible. The treatment of choice is C1 lateral mass and C2 pars screw fixation as described by Goel and Shah [
9]. Such patients usually do not have BI unless an underlying pathology like osteoarthritis destroys and reduces the height of facets leading to the invagination of the dens upwards. A bone graft is generally recommended as a spacer unless the patient also has BI in which case, a metal/PEEK spacer may be advised.
(2) C1 arch is fused with occiput: Such cases usually present with moderate to severe BI. Such cases are also associated with a significant increase in the incidence of vertebral artery (VA) anomalies [
10]. It is in such cases that the technique of DCER is very useful not only to reduce the AAD and BI but also to correct the hyper-lordosis of the subaxial cervical spine. The author will also describe certain unique instrumentation developed by him to allow the surgeon perform this technique more easily and effectively.
A total of 148 patients with average age 27.25±17.43 years, ranging from 3 to 71 years (87 males) were operated.
1. Clinical Features
Patients presented with either or a combination of suboccipital pain (n=48, 37.5%), restricted neck movements (n=23, 17.9%), neck tilt (n=40, 31%), quadriparesis (n=114, 89%), sensory loss (n=109, 85%), dysphagia (n=5, 3%), bladder and bowel involvement (n=16, 12.5%), drop attacks (n=2, 1.5%), and respiratory difficulty (n=2, 1.5%). Os-odontoideum was seen in 3 patients (2.3%).
2. Clinical Parameters
Using preoperative and post-operative Nurick grading 138 of 148 patients had improvement (93.2%). Mean preoperative Nurick grading was 3.13±1.88, which decreased to 1.24±1.27, p<0.0001. Most of the patients reported subjective improvement on the day of surgery itself.
3. Pseudo-joints
Of 148 patients, 138 patients were able to trace preoperative CT in 276 joints by measuring both sides of the C1–2 joint (some patients had films which could not be uploaded into the hospital picture archiving and communicating system). Of these, 129 (47.4%) had absent (type 0) pseudo-joints, 52 (19%) had type I pseudo-joints, and 91 (33.6%) had type II pseudojoints.
4. Coronal/Neck Tilt
This was present in 47 of 138 patients (32%). On CT examination, this was found significantly associated with the presence of pseudo-joint to one side, or difference of type of pseudo-joint (i.e., type I vs. type II) in between the 2 sides (Pearson correlation coefficient -0.658, p<0.0001).
5. AAD
Mean preoperative AAD was 7.24±2.74, and postoperative was 3.56±2.14. (p<0.0001).
6. Basilar Invagination
There were significant reduction of BI as assessed using Chamberlain line (6.44±4.24 mm, p<0.0001), McRae line (4.83±4.11 mm, p<0.001), Wackenheim clival canal lines (6.5±3.79 mm, p=0.04), and Modified Ranawat index (6.58±4.18 mm, p<0.0001). BI severity correlated with increasing type of pseudo-joint using Chamberlain line (correlation=0.317, p=0.001), McRae line (correlation=0.488, p<0.0001), Wackenheim (correlation=0.328, p=0.001), and Modified Ranawat index (correlation=0.276, p=0.006).
7. SI, CI, and CCT with Pseudo-joint
There was a significant correlation of increasing SI with increased grade of pseudo-joint for both right (correlation=0.734, p<0.0001) and left side (correlation=0.744, p<0.0001). Increasing CI was also found to be significantly associated with increasing grade of pseudo-joints for both right (correlation=0.644, p<0.0001) and left sides (correlation=0.553, p<0.0001). This correlated with our study [
18]. Though CCT was not found correlating with increasing grade of pseudo-joints. However, there was a significant difference between the pre-operative and postoperative CCT values (p<0.001).
8. Lordosis Correction
There was a significant decrease in the cervical hyper-lordosis after the surgery. Mean preoperative lordosis was 24.89°±18.51°, and postoperative was 15.38°±12.66°, which was statistically significant; p<0.0001. There was a significant correlation of increasing grade of pseudo-joints with increasing degree of lordosis (correlation=0.435, p<0.0001). Patients with pseudojoints have a higher degree of hyper-lordosis compared to patients with no pseudo-joints, i.e., 29.45°±18.74° compared to 17.53°±15.85° respectively (p=0.002). Postoperatively, both groups had a significant decrease being 10.30°±8.73° and 18.53°±13.75° respectively.
9. VA Anomalous Course
Anomalous VA was found in 21 of 51 (41.4%) of patients. However, the VA was found actually over the joint surface in only 10 of 51 (20%). We found increased incidence of VA anomaly with pseudo-joint (46.85%) compared to normal joints (31.57%). However, this was not found statistically significant, p=0.38.
10. Complications
There were 22 patients (14%) having complications. These included VA injury (n=4; all had anomalous VA; 3 underwent primary repair; In 1 case, the rupture happened while inserting the spacer, hence the leak was large. Patient under postoperative angiogram and stenting), CSF leak (n=6; required temporary lumbar drain in one patient; all cases resolved), pneumonia (n=5; 2 patients underwent tracheostomy because of poor respiratory effort), deterioration of power (n=2), implant infection (n=2; one patient needed to remove it), partial implant slippage (n=2; did not require repositioning), and extradural hematoma (n=1; no intervention required).
Mortality was seen in seven patients (4%). Causes of deaths were VA injuries (n=2), acute quadriplegia (n=1), pneumonia (n=3; all had severe spastic quadriparesis, bedridden, malnourished and poor respiratory effort), and myocardial infarction (n=1).
AAD along with BI usually occur in congenital conditions is a complex pathology and demands detailed knowledge and understanding of the CVJ anatomy.
The last decade has seen a paradigm shift to standalone posterior fixation from the traditional transoral odontoidectomy and posterior fixation [
27]. Goel’s technique was no doubt the starting point of understanding the shift of this paradigm [
However, it is important to understand that Goel’s technique is effective in conditions where C1 is not fused with occiput or in conditions where there is no BI with a posterior and upward tilt of the dens [
18]. In such cases, an additional axis of sagittal motion would be required to completely correct the deformity.
Normally, BI occurs in congenital cases with occipitalized C1 arch. In such cases, the dens usually prolapse into the C1 and is usually tilted upwards and backwards. Hence, just a distraction with a spacer may not be enough to correct the spinal cord compression and deformity.
Thus, to overcome this shortcoming, we introduced the technique of DCER [
18]. As described in the material and methods in detail, this technique for the first time provided a second axis of motion, i.e., extension at the OC1–2 joint, as a result of the continuation of a compressive force applied between the OC1–2 joint. This was achieved with a simple technique of applying a temporary screw over occiput and using a no. 20 stainless steel braided wire tightened between the occipital screw and the C2 lamina (
Fig. 8,
Supplementary video clip 1). This of course evolved over several years, where the author initially used rigid instrumentation to provide this mechanism [
2] and then started using the SS wire.
We were also the first to demonstrate in the literature, the relationship between facet joint inclination and the severity of BI. To quantify this, we described new joint indices [
1] which included SI and CI. Both, (especially the SI), correlated with the earlier described indices, and also the severity of BI and AAD. Based on this study, we established that increasing inclination of the facet joints was responsible for increasing the severity of BI and AAD.
In a paper following that, we proposed a surgical strategy based on the degree of severity of SI [
3]. Thus, in mild joint inclinations (SI<100°), where it was easy to place the spacer, we suggested joint ‘optimization’ and spacer placement. In more severe cases (SI approximately between 100°–160°), we suggested (again for the first time) the technique of joint re-modelling. This primarily meant drilling of the posterior lip of the inferior joint surface and anterior lip of the superior joint surface to make the joint surfaces ‘parallel’ and ‘flat’ and more important parallel to the ground surface with the patient being considered in standing position (i.e., SI is about 90°). In this paper, we also solved the problem of vertical joints which are known to occur in some very severe BI. While Goel et al. [
34] never mentioned them in his papers, it was by and large considered as a contraindication for a posterior only approach. For the first time, again we described the existence of pseudo-joints and also described the technique of how to identify them and place spacers within the pseudo-joint (extra-articular distraction with DCER). In the current paper, we have for the first time quantified the pseudo-joints into type I and type II depending on whether the true joint takes part in weight bearing mechanisms partially or completely . The incidence of pseudo-joints are surprisingly not rare in congenital anomalies (type I is 19% and type II is 33% in our series). In our study, the neck tilt correlated significantly with pseudo-joint, being more towards the higher type of pseudo-joint, i.e., if a patient has type I on one side and type II on another, then the neck tilt would be towards the side with type II. Similarly, if there was no pseudo-joint on one side and type I pseudo-joint on the other side, then the neck tilt would happen towards the side of pseudo-joint. This clearly indicates that pseudo-joints represent the side of greater instability and type II pseudo-joint have a greater instability than type I. Furthermore, this study has shown that a higher SI had a higher chance of formation of pseudo-joint. This again establishes the fact that increasing inclination leads to the formation of pseudo-joint as a compensatory mechanism to bear the weight of the head (that cannot be now transmitted through the true joint due to them being inclined or vertical). All these findings, we feel are of significant value for management and again have been described for the first time in literature.
The paper also demonstrated for the first time in literature, correction of lordosis following the technique of DCER. Mean pre-operative lordosis was 24.89°±18.51°, and postoperative was 15.38°±12.66°, which was statistically significant; p<0.0001. This clearly establishes the fact that DCER technique by correcting the deformity establishes correction of the whole spine curvatures.
VA anomalies are of concern, especially for surgeons who are not used to handling dissection of large vessels. We have found the incidence of the VA to be present in 41% of cases (in 21 of 51 cases), in patients who underwent CT angiogram with 3D reconstruction. Following some initial complications (n=4), we started performing VA imaging in all patients. This not only helped us to identify the VA abnormalities, but also prepared us adequately for the case. It is important to perform this part of dissection always under a microscope with the vascular anastomosis set ready. It is important not to forget that if an anomalous VA exists, it would be always positioned ventral to the C2 ganglion. Hence, the C2 ganglion should be carefully dissected and separated from the VA, before cutting it. Sharp injuries may be usually handled by primary repair. Blunt injuries or injuries due to diathermy are difficult to handle. This is the reason, that meticulous dissection in this area is essential. It is also advisable to dissect first on the side with non-dominant VA.
Our complication rate was 14%. CSF leak (n=6) is usually transient and occurs mostly from the junction of the occipital screws and bone. To prevent this, we make a tap of 4-mm-thick over occipital bone and place 4.5-mm-thick screws. Such a strategy has allowed us to control this problem. If there is a dural tear, it should be sutured carefully under a microscope and glue should be applied. Most of our leaks subsided with re-enforcement sutures. In only one case, a CSF drain was required. Lower respiratory tract infection (n=5) is a matter of concern, especially in patients who are bed ridden, malnourished and have a low respiratory reserve. One should not hesitate to perform a pre-emptive tracheostomy if the necessity so arises. We have seen deterioration of power in 2 cases. Both were early cases, and we were not able to obtain complete reduction. In 2 of our cases, there was a partial displacement of the implant. Again, both were in early cases, when we were not using customized implants. With the use of the customized bullet shaped (PSC) spacers, we have not had any case of implant displacement following surgery. In addition, with the introduction of the spacer screw, we have attained very good fixation of the spacer to occipito-cervical contoured rod, virtually eliminating this complication.
Our mortality was 4%, and only in 2% it was related directly to surgery (VA injury on dominant side). Following the enhancement of our management and surgical techniques as described above, we have not seen any further VA injuries.
To allow the procedures to be performed more easily, we have developed a new instrument (UCVJR) and a customized C1–2 spacer implant.
The UCVJR prototype (developed in collaboration with Medtronic) has been successfully used in over 36 cases. As described above, it adds a 3rd axis of movement, i.e., forward translation of C2 thus aligning the center of gravity of C1 and C2 in the same sagittal axis. We feel that the device would be of great utility especially for young surgeons making the surgery safer, efficacious and easier, thus reducing the incidence of complications and cutting down the learning curve.
The customized ‘bullet shaped spacers have been developed in collaboration with the dept of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology. These spacers (described in detail in material and methods) may be positioned easily, separates the joint surfaces (in view of the narrow anterior wedge shape), and allow the technique of DCER to be performed easily (in view of the biconvex shape) which helps to convert the joint into a type II lever (e.g., see-saw). Following the surgery, there is settling down of the joint surfaces, rigidly impacting the joint to the entire surface of the spacer.
The study lacks a control arm to compare the results. However, the study established safety and efficacy similar to the previous ones published by us and demonstrated certain important new findings.