Lumbar Extradural Arteriovenous Malformation Mimicking Intervertebral Disc Herniation in the Lumbar Spine: A Case Report. |
Seung Jin Lee, Soon Chan Kwon, Young Min Kim, In Uk Lyo |
1Department of Neurological Surgery, Ulsan University Hospital, College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea. 2Department of Pathology, Ulsan University Hospital, College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea. |
Abstract |
A pure extradural spinal arteriovenous malformation, in the absence of a vertebral body hemangioma, is extremely rare.
33-year-old male presented with spinal extradural arteriovenous malformation(AVM) that caused compressive radiculo- pathy of the L4 nerve root in the left side.
The initial symptoms were presented to pain in the left leg and low back pain. Neurological examination showed paresthesia and hyperalgesia in the anterolateral aspect of the left thigh and in the medial to lateral aspect of the left lower leg as like a case of L4 root compression of suspiciously acute disc herniation.
MRI showed a mass like a central protruding disc at L3-4 combined with a cystic mass with no specific findings in the vertebral body, and no evidence of vascular abnormality.
The spinal extradural AVM was excised with laminectomy. The patient recovered completely from the initial signs and symptoms. |
Arteriovenous malformation;Lumbar;Radiculopathy |