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Korean J Spine Search


Ha: Korean Journal of Spine, the Long History of Archives of Spine Academia and the Beginning of a New Era
The Korean Journal of Spine (KJS) proudly represents academic achievements of spine surgery and research in Korea as the official journal of the Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society. Our journal has been published regularly for the past fourteen years — since 2004.
The aims and scope of KJS include basic and clinical spinal research. We accept original research articles, review articles, laboratory investigations, technical notes, case reports, editorials, and other invited papers covering the whole field of spinal neurosurgery. Topics consist of studies on spinal cord or spine-related diseases or trauma and related surgery, neuroscience, neurology, molecular biology and biomechanics. Studies on peripheral nerve disorders are also acceptable given the approval of the editorial board.
Although KJS is published by the Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society, KJS keeps its doors open for other countries and accepts articles from international societies. The amount of internationally accepted work has been increasing since 2004. More specifically, in 2016 we published 6 articles submitted by authors in other countries. Thirteen out of 32 members in the editorial board are from other countries. We are very proud of having a diverse editorial board and publications.
KJS has published 4 issues each year (quarterly). From 2004, 5 members of the Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society have contributed as Editors-in-Chief. Whan Eoh was the founding Editor-in-Chief of KJS, and he established what is the current editorial board system. To facilitate the exchange of knowledge with international societies, all articles published in KJS were written in English. Nine editors and one associate editor (Eun-Sang Kim) have worked for KJS. From September 2006 to September 2009, the second Editor-in-Chief, Chun Kee Chung, worked with 14 members in the editorial board. The basic format of each issue consisted of 1 to 3 review articles, 4 original articles (laboratory and clinical), and several case reports. The third Editor-in-Chief was Sang Gu Lee. He served from September 2009 to September 2011. During this period, he worked with associate editor Ju Ho Jung and 13 members of the editorial board. The fourth Editor-in-Chief was Se-Hoon Kim (September 2011–July 2013). He served KJS with associate editor Do Sang Cho and 17 editorial board members. The fifth and sixth term Editor-in-Chief was Seung Won Park(July 2013–March 2016). He made it possible for spine surgeons outside of Korea to join the editorial board. He invited 12 international surgeons onto the board. Do Sang Cho served as associate editor at this time as well. The current and seventh Editor-in-Chief is Yoon Ha. His mission is to reshape KJS into an international journal. He has worked with associate editor (Seung-Jae Hyun) and 32 editorial board members. The present publication(volume 14, number 4) is the last publication under the present KJS. Our new journal will be launched in March 2018 with a new name “Neurospine” and format. The keywords for the new journal are “international” and “consilience.” We invite participation from spine societies not only in Korea but also from other countries. The new journal will be diverse in its editorial board, authors and article themes. We invite authors who are leading cutting edge science and medical fields such as artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, next generation sequencing, or liquid biopsy. With this editorial direction, we hope to provide spine surgeons inspiration and new opportunities in a new field of spine research. Thanks to this editorial identity, we may set ourselves apart from competitor journals.
We sincerely appreciate our former Editors-in-Chief and members of the editorial board for their self-sacrificing contributions towards the improvement of KJS — they are the pride of our journal. Although the name KJS is in the past, its spirit will continue on in our new journal.

Editorial Office
Department of Neurosurgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center,
CHA University School of Medicine,
59 Yatap-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam 13496, Korea
Tel: +82-31-780-1924  Fax: +82-31-780-5269  E-mail: support@e-neurospine.org
The Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society
#407, Dong-A Villate 2 Town, 350 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06631, Korea
Tel: +82-2-585-5455  Fax: +82-2-2-523-6812  E-mail: ksns1987@neurospine.or.kr
Business License No.: 209-82-62443

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